Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kujo + Molly = Love...(maybe, Kinda..)

So My Girlfriend Kelsey has a new chocolate Lab Puppy "MOLLY" and we've decided that Kujo and her are going to be Boyfriend & Girlfriend.

So this is there second date, (chaperoned of course) and it was at our house, Kujo Loves her, but also felt the need to show her who's Boss(sounds familar to Humans, Man trying to lead his wife.. haha)... so he was a little protective having her on his territory and all.. and after a few snarls, she submitted nicely, and they loved playing with each other.. her good looks, and spunk kept him on his toes.

He didn't really want to share his squekie toys, but she snuck them away from him a few times, which made him sneak them back when she was distracted.. it was actually quick hilarious to watch....

...........and so this is my entertainment until I have Kids.............. :)


Unknown said...

awesome! way to go kujo!!

Levecks said...

haha.. i'll let him know you said so!! ;)

Jenaya said...

hey terr kujo is growing up so fast!! here is aheart<3
love jenaya